Research Project And Tech Report Contributions

  1. Assigned tasks for then 
  2. Came up with one out of the four finalized proposed solutions for the project.
  1.  Researched with my teammates about proposed solution
  2. Tasked with getting primary information via emailing the company directly for questions
  3. Did secondary research on the topic through Google and Google Scholar in collaboration with my teammates.
  4.  Wrote 2nd draft of executive summary
  5. Assisted teammates with the editing of the final tech report
  6. Created a survey via social media to get feedback/results for our research
  7. Wrote the entire introduction portion of the report
  8. Edited the introduction
  1. Did the presentation slides for my part 
  2. Came up with the presentation flow/ arrangement


  1. Thanks, Luqman, for all your hard work and for this list of contributions!


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